Golden Life

Burning Fat

Burning Fat
burning fat


RDA (%)

Amount Per Serving




800 mg

Garcinia quaesita



50 mg

Gymnema sylvestre



4.55 mg

Coleous forskolin

1000 mcg/day


10 mcg

Cr (Chromium picolinate)

100 mg/day


15 mg

Vitamin B6



50 mg

Choline bitartartrate



50 mg



RDA = Recommended daily allowance

UL = Upper limit

  • Promotes thermogenesis
  • Burns more calories and excess fat
  • Suppresses appetite
  • Helps achieve ultimate weight loss goals

Garcinia quaesita

The main active ingredient is hydroxycitric acid (HCA). It inhibits an extra mitochondrial enzyme, Adenosine triphosphate citrate lyase. The chemical  process  involves reduction  in  the  transformation  of  citrate  into acetyl CoA; initial steps of de novo lipogenesis in  the  liver.  Furthermore, hepatic  glycogen accumulates  in  the  presence of hydroxycitric acid; this metabolic change may in turn cause the  activation  of  glucoreceptors  leading  to  a sensation  of  fullness  and  reduced  appetite. It also suppresses  appetite  by  increasing serotonin  levels,  which  may  make  you  feel less  hungry.  Unlike appetite suppressant drugs, Garcinia has no CNS stimulant activity. Preliminary research  indicates  that  Garcinia may  improve  cholesterol  levels,  lowering triglycerides and LDL , raising HDL and have a positive  effect  on  energy  and  metabolism. Studies have  reported  that  individuals using  Garcinia,  combined  with  niacin-bound chromium and a reduction in dietary fats, had three  times  the  weight  loss  of  those  on  diet alone.


Gymnema sylvestre

Today, Gymnema is used for weight loss, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. It is also used as digestive stimulant, laxative and appetite suppressant. Content of this plant has also been found useful against obesity. This is attributed to the ability of gymnemic acids to delay the glucose absorption in the blood.  The atomic arrangement of gymnemic acid molecule is similar to that of glucose molecules. It also helps balance blood sugar  and  has  been  found  to  increase  fecal excretion  of  cholesterol.


Coleus forskolin

 The main bioactive ingredient is called Forskolin. It promotes lipolysis of stored fats in human fat cells and stimulates thyroid hormone production and release, which can help enhance metabolic rate.

Forskolin  has  been  shown  to  not  only  enhance lipolysis  but  it  may  also  inhibit  fat  storage from  occurring  without  loss  of  muscle  mass.  It regulates the body’s thermogenic response to food, increases the body’s basal metabolic rate.



It functions as an organic complex known as glucose tolerance factor (GTF), which helps insulin function  properly and regulates the absorption of  glucose  into  cells  and  thus influences carbohydrate,  fat  and  protein  metabolism. Chromium supplementation may help stabilize blood sugar levels and so diminishes the desire for carbohydrate craving.  some  double-blind, placebo-controlled experiments have shown that chromium  picolinate  supplementation  reduces fat  mass,  increases  lean  body  mass  and  can lead  to  weight  loss.  It may also combat insulin resistance.



It is a vitamin-like essential nutrient and a methyl donor involved in many physiological processes, including normal metabolism and transport of lipids.  Choline deficiency causes abnormal deposition of fat in the liver, which results in a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Choline increases rate of lipid catabolism and helps better weight loss.



It belongs to the B-complex family and helps fat metabolism along with choline. It prevents fatty build  up  in  the  liver  and  aids  in  metabolism  of nutrients  into  energy.


Vitamin B6

B vitamins activate metabolic cycles and improve energy level. This nutrient is an essential part of nearly 200 chemical reactions in your body, and it’s necessary for processes like brain development and transporting oxygen through your bloodstream. Vitamin B6 also helps you maintain a healthy nervous and immune system.

Take one tablet daily half an hour before each main meal.


Pregnancy and Lactation

This product is not recommended to use in pregnancy.

Lactating women should consult a physician before using this product.



This product includes extracts of Gymnema, Coleus, Inositol and Chromium so people with hypertension, diabetes, bipolar disorder and heart diseases, should consult with physician before use.



No interaction has been reported to date.

This product includes extracts of Gymnema, Coleus, Inositol and Chromium, so patients who take Anti diabetic, Antihypertensive, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-coagulant and, Anti-platelet drugs, should consult a  physician before  use.

No adverse effects have been reported to date.

This  product  includes  extracts  of  Gymnema, Coleus, Inositol and Chromium which in rare case, cause  flushing,  hypotension,  throat  irritation, cough,  itching,  vomiting  and  mood  change.
